Historian of Architecture and Urban Planning


University of Geneva's Art History Unit (CH)

Center André Chastel: Research Laboratory in Art History, UMR 8150 (FR)

Archeology and Architectures Research laboratory (LARA) of Nantes University, UMR 6566 (FR)

Architectural Research Laboratory (LRA) of Toulouse School of Architecture (FR)


Resident (2024), École normale supérieure, Paris Sciences et Lettres University

Researcher (2015-2022), General Inventory of Cultural Heritage (FR)

Board Member (2016-2023) & Treasurer (2022-2023), Docomomo France

Co-founder (2015) and Board Member (2021-2024), Association d'Histoire de

l'Architecture AHA (French Association for Architectural History)

Contact: 31, rue Benjamin-Franklin 75116 Paris France | noyer.duplaix@icloud.com

Social media ORCID | LinkedIn | Academia | AHA


Scientific publications

With Massire, H. "The Perret Tower of Amiens, A useless skyscraper, a French high-rise mortgage", pp. 47-63. URL: https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-03588523.

"“His great work, his baptismal font was the Tower block”, Jean de Mailly (1911-1975), an architect of high-rise buildings", pp. 104-121. URL: https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-03588521.

"Henri Chomette et l’architecture des lieux de pouvoir en Afrique subsaharienne". DOI: 10.4000/insitu.15897. ULR: http://journals.openedition.org/insitu/15897.

With Philippe, E. "La préfecture du Val-d’Oise édifiée par Henry Bernard à Cergy-Pontoise". DOI: 10.4000/insitu.16024. URL : http://journals.openedition.org/insitu/16024.

With Zechser, R. "L’hôtel de ville d’Abbeville : le symbole de la renaissance d’une ville martyre". DOI: 10.4000/insitu.17171. URL: http://journals.openedition.org/insitu/17171.

"Max Lejeune, maire reconstructeur ?", pp. 63-77. URL: https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/halshs-01717147.

With Zechser, R. "L’hôtel de ville d’Abbeville, un palais communal reconstruit », pp. 79-96. 

Extension publications

Selection of conferences



Since 2021, Ph. D. candidate in Art History, University of Geneva (CH).

Dissertation: Henry Bernard (1912-1994) architecte et urbaniste, "l'impératif monumental". Co-advisors: Prof. M. T. Stauffer (University of Geneva) and Prof. Philip Ursprung (Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zürich).

2011, Master of Research in Architectural History, Panthéon-Sorbonne University (FR), magna cum laude.

Thesis: Jean de Mailly 1911-1975, une figure de l'architecture des Trente Glorieuses. Advisor: Prof. C. Massu. Summa cum laude.

2010, M. A. in Art History Panthéon-Sorbonne University (FR), sum magna cum laude.

Thesis: "Un lézard au soleil", Michel Marot et la Villa Arson. Advisor: C. Loupiac, summa cum laude.

2009, Bachelor in Art History, Panthéon-Sorbonne University (FR),  with honors.

2008, Associate degree in Art History and Archeology, Paul Valéry University of Montpellier (FR),  with honors.



2023-2024, Specialization Certificate in Negotiation, Mediation and Conflict Resolution, ESSEC (FR)

2023, Specialization Certificate in Negotiation in Project Management Principles And Practicest, University of California Irvine (US).

2021, Professional Certificate in Human Resource Management and Development, HEC Montréal (CA).


Digital Humanities, Autonomous University of Barcelona (ES); Scientific integrity in research professions, University of Bordeaux (FR); Knowledge transfer: fostering research-based practices and policies, University of Montreal (CA).


2024, École normale supérieure, Paris Sciences et Lettres University: Resident (full-time). 

For the General Inventory of Cultural Heritage

September 2019-November 2022, Région Pays de la Loire, Cultural Heritage Department: Researcher (full-time), referent on partnerships and projects in Maine-et-Loire, referent on the 20th century heritage of the whole territory.

December 2018-August 2019, Toulouse Métropole, Heritage and Urban Renewal Workshop, associated with the Region Occitanie, General Inventory Departement: Researcher (full-time), in charge of drawing up the urban plan for the preservation and enhancement of the old centre.

January 2015-November 2018, City of Abbeville, Cultural Heritage Department, associated with the Region Picardie/Hauts-de-France, General Inventory Department: Researcher (full-time), in charge of the topographic inventory of the heritage of the city of Abbeville.

October 2011-March 2012, Region Île-de-France, General Inventory Departement: researcher (internship), responsible for the topographic inventory of the heritage of the Cergy-Préfecture district.

As an Independent Researcher associated with the research office La Manufacture du Patrimoine 

Regional Directorate of Cultural Affairs (DRAC) of Île-de-France (public contract won in 2015): study of 20th century buildings emblematic of the construction of the Métropole du Grand Paris.

Regional Directorate of Cultural Affairs (DRAC) of Centre-Val-de-Loire (public contract won in 2014): study of the architectural heritage of the 20th century.

Other activities

September-November 2013, Louis Vuitton Malletier Company, Directorate of Cultural Heritage: heritage database Administrator (Actimuséo).

May-July 2012, Cité de l’architecture et du patrimoine (Paris): Curator (intership). 



Board Member (2016-2023) and Treasurer (2022-2023) of Docomomo France – French chapter of Docomomo International, the NGO for the study, defense and promotion of 20th century architecture.

Co-founder of Association d’Histoire de l’Architecture AHA (French Association for Architectural History) (2015) and Board Member (2021-2024). Co-Organizer of the first Symposium in March 2016 entitled "Quelle est la situation de notre discipline aujourd’hui ? ("What is the situation of our discipline today?").

Co-founder and Board Member of the Parisian architecture, urbanism and heritage association (AUPP).

Member of the Swiss Association of Art Historians (VKKS | ASHHA | ASSSA), of the European Architectural History Network, of the European Society for Aesthetics, of Groupe Histoire Architecture et Mentalités Urbaines GHAMU (History, Architecture and Urban Mentalities Group), of the Société Française d’Archéologie SFA, of the Société des antiquaires de Picardie and of the Association des Personnels de l’Inventaire Général APIG (General Inventory Staff Association).